hat is meant by Siebel tools:-
Siebel Tools is an integrated environment for configuring all aspects of a Siebel application so that a single configuration can be
(1) Deployed across HTML clients ,
(2) Used to support multiple Siebel applications and languages,
(3) Easily maintained
(4) Automatically upgraded to future Siebel product releases
Siebel Tools is a powerful object-oriented, Web application development environment designed to meet the customization needs of sales, marketing and customer service information system Deployments.
Siebel Tools is not a programming environment—it is a declarative application configuration tool.
Standard Siebel applications provide a core set of object definitions that one can use as a basis for their tailored application. Using Siebel Tools and other configuration tools that are part of a Siebel solution, Siebel application developers, system administrators, and database administrators can customize a standard Siebel application without modifying source code or SQL. Some of the configuration tools are accessed through the Siebel applications. Siebel Tools, however, is a separate product with its own user interface.
Navigation in Siebel Tools is done mainly in two windows:
-View-Site map-Group administration-Call center application.
(1) Object Explorer window.
(2) Object List Editor window
(1) Object Explorer window:-. A hierarchical tree-structure user interface (similar to that of the Microsoft Windows Explorer) to Allow you to browse the object types that are stored in the Siebel Repository.
(2) Object List Editor window:- Shows the detail about individual objects in the Siebel repository.Now We Know what is meant by
a) Object definition
b) Object Properties
c) Object type
Object Definition:- a user interface, an abstract data representation, or a direct database representation or construct.
An Object definition is what is on the Object list (top right).
"Account List Applet is an Object definition of Object type Applet"
When you define an Applet Object definition,
it means that you create a new applet on the Object list applet.
Object Properties:- An object definition consists of properties . For example:- the properties of a database column include its name,
data type, length, and so on.
Object type:- It is a named structure from which object definitions of that type can be created .
For example:- the account, opportunity and contact business components are implemented
as object definitions of the business component object type. "Account List Applet is an
Object definition of Object type Applet" Relation ship between object types is parent and child.
Object Layers and Hierarchy:(architecture layers of object definitions)
DBMS : It is complete third party data base vendor.
DATA OBJECT LAYER:- it consists of data object definitions that directly map the data structures from the underlying relational database into Siebel applications, providing access to those structures by object definitions in the Business Object layer. In the data object layer we can define table ,column etc.
BUSINESS OBJECT LAYER:- Business object definitions that are built on data object definitions and selectively combines and associate data object definitions into logical data constructs that are useful for application design. In this we can B.C , B.O.
USER INTERFACE OBJECT LAYER:-it consists of user interface object definitions that define the visual interface that the user sees and interacts with in a web browser. In the logical user interface object layer consists of applets, views , screens . We can see the data and validating the data , editing the data by means of user interface object definitions.
PHYSICAL USER INTERFACE LAYER:- it consists of the physical filed, templates, stylesheets, and other file based metadata(repository objects) In this templates ,files, style sheets, other files such as repository objects. Step Type Definition What it reprasents
1. DBMS It is complete third party data base vendor Third party data base vendor
2. DATA OBJECT LAYER We can define table ,column and Index. Siebel Application
3. BUSINESS OBJECT LAYER We can Define B.C , B.O. Siebel Application
4. LOGICAL USER INTERFACE OBJECT LAYER We can Define applets, views , screens. We can see the data and validating the data , editing the data by means of user interface object definitions Siebel Application
5. PHYSICAL USER INTERFACE LAYER Templates ,files, style sheets, other files such as repository objects Siebel Application (This the Siebel tools architecture)
Data Object Layer:- it is a logical representation of the underlying physical database and are independent of the installed DBMS.
Data Object Types:- a) Table b) Column c) Index
Table:- A table object definition is the direct representation of a database table in DBMS. It has a Column and Index child object definitions.
Column:- A column object definition represents one column in the database table. And It is child object definition of the Table object definition.
Note:- Each column in the table has a corresponding column object definition.
Index:- Each index object definition Identifies a physical index file in the DBMS.
Table:- Standard tables and their table object definitions are -
a) Data table
b) IntersectionTables
c)Extension table
d) interface tables
Data Table:- the data tables comprise the bulk of the table object definitions in the Siebel applications. Columns in the data tables provide the data for fields. It is a base table to the Business Component.
Intersection Table:- It is happens Between two data tables and should have Many –to-Many Relationship or one-to-many relation ship.
Extension Table:- It means adding an additional to the data table . It cannot be directly added to a data table.
NOTE:- once it is populated with data extension column will not be possible.
It allows you to provide additional columns for use as field in a business component with out violating DBMS.
interface Table:- it is intermediate database tables between the Siebel application database and other databases.
The columns in standard tables are of the
a) Data column
b) Extension Column
c) System Column
Data Column:- the data columns are part of the original set of columns implemented in the standard Siebel applications.
Extension column:- it is a column that is not used by standard Siebel applications.
It is used for reconfigured applications.
There are three kinds of extension columns:-
i) standard Extension columns
ii) Customs Extension Columns in an Extension or intersection table.
iii) Customs Extension Columns in a Base Table.
i) standard Extension columns:- standard extension columns included in the standard extension tables .they named ATTRIB_nn (where ‘ nn ‘ is a value between 01 and 47)
ii) Customs Extension Columns in an Extension or intersection table:-these are the columns added to an extension or intersection table.
iii) Customs Extension Columns in a Base Table:-these are the columns added to a base table of an extension table.
Their name have the X_prefix.
System Column:- in every table some standard system columns are ROW_ID, CREATED, and CREATED_BY. It is useful for the construction of joins. Certain system of the systems columns in interface tables.
The major object types in the Business Objects layer are:
a) Business Component
b) Business Object.
a) Business Component :- it means One main table (Data object layer) + Fields (Business component) maps to column (Main table)
It also include data from related tables.
Note: grouping of data can be achieved by
1) referencing an extension table
2) Explicit join of two tables
3) link
b) Business Object :- it is a collection of related business components.
Object Types:
1) B.C:- it is a logical entity that associates columns from one or more tables into a single structure. BC provide a layer of wrapping over tables, causing applets to reference BC rather than the underlying tables.
2) Field:- it defines associates a column to a BC and we can modify column names with meaningful names.
3) BO:- It is a set of interrelated business components using links. the links provide the one-to-many relationships.
4) BO Component:- it is used to include a BC and ,a Link in Business object.
5) LINK:- It is implements a one-to-many relationship between business components.
6) Multi-value Link:-it is a user maintainable list of detail records associated with a master record.
7) Join:- it defines creates a relationship between a business component and a table(it is not a business component base table.
8) Join specification:- it is a child object type of join that provides details about how the join is implemented with in the BC.
9) Business Service:- it is a reusable module containing a set of methods.
The user interface object layer is insulated from the data object layer and the underlying database by the business object layer.
It consists of user interface object definitions that determine the visual interface that the user
1) sees and interacts with in a web browser.
2) Viewing and modification by means of user interface object definitions.
3) The applet user interface object type implements application units consisting of Controls, etc.
4) other user interface object types control toolbar and menu implementation and the visual grouping of applets on screen.
The user interface defines the visuals elements with which users interact-
a) lay-out of applets and views
b) Navigation
c) Buttons and check boxes i.e user interface controls.
Applets :- It allows access to the data of a single BC for viewing ,editing and modifying in the BC.
Note: all data in an applet must be part of the BC that calls it.
Views:- It presents one or more applets together at one time in a predefined visual arrangement and logical data relationship.
Note:- a specific view is selected by name from a combination of menus or tab symbols.
Each applet in a view must map to a BC in that BO.
The BC that are required to be included in each view are………
a) based on BO ,all BC. to which applets in that view are mapped.
b) Any BC whose data is exported in a report from a view based on the BO.
Screens:- it is a collection of related view.
Note:- all views in a screen map to the same BO-
Application:- it is collection of screens.
Object Types
a) application:-it is collection of screens.
b) page tab:- it is associates a screen to the page tab’s parent application object definition and includes
c) Screen Menu item it define associates a screen to the application and includes the screen as a menu item .
d) screen it is a logical collection views.
e) screen view it is associates a view with the screen view’s parent screen object definition.
f) view it is a collection of applets which appear screen at the same time.
g) applet an applet is a form ,composed of controls, that occupies a portion of the Siebel application window.
h)control a control usually either exposes data from one field in the BC or invokes programming logic .
i)List a list object definition specifies property values that pertain ot the entire scrolling list table and provides a parent object definition for a set of list columns.
j) list column a list column object definition corresponds to one column in the scrolling list table in a list applet, and to onefield in the BC k)webtemplate,
applet web template,
view web template.
It identify external HTML files that define the layout and Siebel web engine interactions for an applet or view.
Applet web emplate item
it defines a control, list item, or special web control in the web implementation of an applet.
View web Template item
it defines the inclusion of an applet in the web implementation of a view.
It consists of the physical files, templates, Siebel tags , style sheets and other file based metadata that control of user interface.
Applet web template ,
applet web template item--
View web template,
view web template item These are the part of the UI layer.
Template files :- it defines the layout and formatting of elements of the user interface.
Tags:- these are special tags you insert into template files. It specify how Siebel objects defined in the repository.
(NOTE:-we can use siebel tags to map objects into a HTML physical layout.)
CSS:- these are external style sheet documents to define how HTML or XML elements and their contents should appear in a web document.
(NOTE:- CSS provide rules for resolving conflicts in HTMLOR XML)
these rules consists of two main parts …..
a) selector
b) declaration Declaration has two parts
a) property
b) value.
Siebel applications are implemented on one or more servers using three major components:-
The object manager,
the siebel web engine,
and the data manager:
Object manager:- object definitions at all three levels of the object layer hierarchy
- web interface definitions
- business object definitions
- data object definitions these are processed in the object manager.
During the run time objects
- business object layer objects are instantiated there directly.
- Web interface objects are instantiated in the Siebel web engine,
- Data objects are instantiated in the data manager.
Siebel Web Engine:- this is also called SWE.
1)The user interface in Siebel application is fenerated as HTML pages on the server And is passed to an unmodified web browser through HTTP.
The Siebel web engine makes possible the deployment of these applications.
2)for the user wants to editing and viewing the data the object manager providing this facility through SWE.
Data Manager:- it is a facility inside the object manager that issues SQL queries in response to object manager requests and passes back database result sets to the object manager.
Important Note:- the data manager is composed of one connector DLL for each type of data base connection supported by the system.
The object manager dynamically loads the appropriate DLL Based upon the required data source.
Important note:- a Siebel plug-in runs on the web server, and interfaces with the Siebel web engine service in the object manager. Most of the work takes place in the Siebel web engine(SWE);
the web server plug-in mostly maintains the session and functions as a communication intermediary.
Network communication between the web server plug-in and the object manager is through SISNAPI. a TCP/IP
–based Siebel communication protocol that provides a security and compression mechanism.
High Interactivity
:- It allows application developers to use scripting to simulate windows client behavior in the web environment.
High interactivity is automatically switched on when the high inter activity attribute in the Siebel application configuration(.cfg) file is set TRUE.
To perform this operation ,the browser used to access the application must support a certain set of capabilities, including support for javascript and java applets or Active X.
Note:-Employee applications use high interactivity by default.
Note:- the high interacitivity attribute should be set to TRUEFor all employees applications.Siebel sales, Siebel call center application, Siebel service, Siebel marketing.—also.
High interactivity is not supported in customer applications.
High interactivity is enabled through two methods ;-
a) updating the application configuration(.cfg) file.
b) applet class definitions
a) updating the application configuration(.cfg) file:- in the SWE section in the .cfg, add the parameter High interactivity with value= TRUE: (SWE) High interactivity=TRUE.
View lay out caching
the view cache is implemented as an LRU cache. The cache contains the layouts of views that you have visited . when the view cache is full, the first view you visited is removed from the cache.
The size of the view cache is controlled by a user preference, described in the following procedure.
To set the size of the view cache
1 from the application-level menu, choose view>site map>user preference>Behaviour.
2 in the view cache size field, select a value from the drop-down list.
NOTE:-The default value for this field is 10. setting this field to 1 will turn off view caching.
Setting this field to greater than 10 can cause some degradation in performance. Setting this field to 20 will produce times which are approximately the same as when there no view caching. In order for a view to be available for caching, all of the applets in the view must have class objects with values of 2 or 4.( available for caching). Only applets that support high interactivity are available for view layout caching.
Disabling view layout caching:-
we can disable view layout caching for an application by changing the parameter “ enable view cache” to FALSE under the Siebel web engine (SWE) section in the configuration (.cfg) file used by the application. (SWE) Enable view cache=FALSE.
Remaining in part-2
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